Soffit Repair
We are proud to provide soffit repair for our customers. To learn more, call us today!

When you find that your soffits (overhangs) need repair, call us first and find out why our customers are the happiest. Our highly trained installers will assess your needs and devise a plan to repair or rebuild the damaged sections and tie them into undamaged areas.

Roof Leak Damage to Soffits:

Leaking roofs are a natural enemy to the health of your soffits. As water gets under your shingle roof system, it will run down to the lowest points and collect inside soffits. This creates the opportunity for the wood soffit to rot from the inside out. Gutters, paint and siding will often mask the damage until it is so bad that replacement is needed.

Soffit Damage From Gutters:

Gutters and are backed up or unable to drain properly can hold rainwater in place and build up and work its way back under shingles and into your soffit. Once again this situation is difficult to detect until the water has already penetrated and started damaging your soffits from the inside.

If you suspect that your soffits sustained damage for any reason, call us quickly so that we can go to work resolving the issue quickly.

One More Thing...

We know that it is difficult to choose a contractor, but want you to understand that our biggest goal is to make you a very satisfied customer. We will do everything in our power to ensure that you are not only happy with the outcome of this project, but that you will also seek us out specifically for your future projects. We know that in order to make an impression that big, we have to work for it. And we do. On every project we undertake. We look forward to working with you, and hope to hear from you soon.

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Ridgeline Construction LLC is here to serve you with the highest quality installations to ensure that your project is completed correctly and on-time. Call us today for more information and to schedule an estimate.

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3215 Mile View Rd
West Bend WI 53095
